FFV - Walkthrough - Braving The Sands
Once you have finised messing around in Rikks Village, you might be wondering what to do next. The only other flashy dot on the world map is a town to the south of the big desert on the western continent, but you can't get there with Boko2. You need to go back to the Library of Ancients in order to get the ball rolling again.
When you get there, Cid and Mid meet you. Relay to them the tragic end of the Fire Ship, and they'll tell you that it won't be a problem to build another one. A more pressing issue is at hand, however: They have heard rumors that King Tycoon has been spotted in Karnak and was seen heading toward the Sand Tides (a huge desert to the west of the library). Beyond this desert is the Town of Ruin, but you can't get past the desert because the sand flows like water there. Moreover, this Town of Ruin is thought to be the ruins of the once vibrant civilization that existed on this planet 500 years ago. So, follow your lead and head to this desert. (Head west from the library.)
Sand Tides
Enemies | Treasure | Blue Magic |
SandKiller (Wa), SandBear (Wa), SandBoil (Wa) |
Don't worry too much about the monsters here becasue they are all easily taken take of with WaterSkills. Also, according to the Brady Guide, you can steal a Javelin from the SandBears. I've tried and tried, but I could never get one...maybe I was just unlucky...who knows. When you enter the Sand Tides you must attempt to cross the flowing sand on foot. This effort is easily twarted by the tides, and you are pushed back. Cid and Mid arrive after this and urge you not to give up. The brainy duo has a plan. They will call sandworms with some sort of bell. When the worms arrive you will beat them and then use them to cross the sand. Galuf has second thoughts, but eventually he gives in. Mid gives the option to wait, so give the ok only when ready! Cid and Mid ring their bells and the worm burrows through the sand, making a platform on which to walk on. It bursts out of the sand and initiates and rather easy battle (if you have the right spell...).

BOSS 12: SandWorm | Level | 20-21 |
Since the SandWorm is weak against water - like all the other desert dwelling creatures - you should cast AquaRake on it. This Blue Magic will take care of the worm in one hit! If you are unfortunate enough not to have this magic, then use those WaterSkills.
When attacking or using any other magic, be sure to hit the right hole. If you attack an empty hole, then the worm will counter with a Demi spell. The only other attack the worm seems to have is the Sandstorm attack. This will put a mediocre hurt on you characters and poison some of them. Still, you might want to forget this battle until you can win the AquaRake spell from the Quadharpy. You should be able to get it easily by now. |
After using the worm for bait, Bartz tells Cid and Mid to look after Boko2. Now you have to get through the desert. Use the Sandworm's path to go down (you can go exploring, but you can't go anywhere except for down). Don't worry about the Pyramid in the middle as you'll get to that much later. Continue to the right off of the worm path. Let the sand carry you, and when you stop, go down again. When you stop this time, walk over to the tide that is flowing down and hop aboard again. Now, with the exit in sight, walk around to the left and take the tide that is flowing to the right and you're out. Once outside, walk to the south, fighting pesky BioSoldiers along the way, until you reach the Town of Ruins.