FFV - Walkthrough - A Wealth Of Knowledge
Enemies | Treasure | Blue Magic |
Quadharpy, Silent Bee, MithrlDrgn | Aqua Rake, Pep Up |
After gathering up the shards of the Fire Crystal and playing around with the new abilities that you have, you may be wondering what to do next. You can head back to the Fire Ship to find a depressed Cid, as he feels guilty about creating the machines that are causing the Crystals to shatter. He runs off in shame. Head back to Karnak for some answers on what to do next. Here you learn that the Queen, although knocked out by the explosion, is still alive and resting on the second floor of the the inn. You can go and see her, but she's not much help. Wander around a bit more to discover that the wall blocking the way to the Library of Ancients has been destroyed in the explosion of the castle. Finally, you can head to the pub to find a woozy Cid drowning his sorrows. He doesn't seem to have any answers right now, so your only option to proceed is to head south to the Library of Ancients.
The road to the library isn't that hard to follow; simply head south and you'll run into it eventually. There is a danger to be wary of, however, as the desert that you will pass along the way to the library is home to the most powerful monster you've run into so far. It is called the Quadharpy. The beast uses a new and very powerful Blue Magic called Aqua Rake that you really want to aquire. This isn't the easiest task in the world considering the Quadharpy's power, so save before you try. When you run into one, just pummel it with your strongest attacks (I had two Ninjas, and two Monks at level 16). Don't worry about trying to heal because if you focus on anything but wiping the beast out quickly, then you'll lose. The Ninja's First Attack is useful here, as is the Monk's counterattack. (Don't forget to equip at least one person with the 'Learning' ability.)
Once you have Aqua Rake, keep heading south to the library. In the forest surrounding the library you might run into a MithrlDrgn. These are moderately powerful creatures to level 16 characters, but nothing compared to the Quadharpy. They have another Blue Magic for you called Pep Up (sacrifices caster to aid teammates). Unfortunately, the dragons will never cast it at you, so you have to learn the Cntrl ability from the Trainer class, and control the dragon. Cntrl works sort of like Muddle, except you get to pick and choose what the monster does. Don't hit the dragon after you have it controlled, or else it will snap out of the enchantment. You might not have the Cntrl ability just yet, but remember where the dragons are when you do.
Library of Ancients
Enemies | Treasure | Blue Magic |
Page 32 (F), Page 64 (F), Page 128 (F), Page 256 (F) | Ether, Ninja Suit, Phoenix Down | L5 Doom, MoonFlut, MagHammr |
The Library of Ancients isn't entirely a dungeon, but most of it is. When you enter, you'll see a bunch of scholarly types running about. They tell you about Mid, Cid's grandson. Apparently, he went off to look for a book and hasn't returned.
Continue up the stairs to find the second floor of the library and lots more scholars. Here you learn that this place is an archive of old texts, and that some of the books have been possessed by demonic creatures and that 30 years ago, the monster Biblos appeared at the Wind Shrine and has been sealed here ever since. You can find a life-giving urn here that will replenish your HP/MP and some guy who seems extremly interested in a bookshelf.
When you're done chatting, go up the stairs to the roof to find three book lined up in front of you. The two books on the left have vague inscriptions in them. One tells about the Blue Magicks here in the library, and the other tells about the origins of the Healing Staff. When you examine the book on the right, however, you are introduced to the types of monsters that are lurking inside the books. Some useful information is that all the random enemies that you encounter here are weak against fire spells and they appear in predictable patterns. Some patterns are: 32 and 64; 64, 256, and 32; 32, 32, 128, and 128; three 64's; 64, 32, and 64; and 32, 64, 256, and 128. The two in the book are Page 32 and Page 64. These are easily beaten, but know that 32 has Aero and Aero2 (for those of you who missed out on the spells earlier) and 64 has L5 Doom. This spell can be tricky to gain because it won't work unless your characters are at a level of a multiple of five. Page 256 has the MoonFlut spell (so you don't have to go back to the annoying Harpy). After winning this battle, the scholars will give you a hint about Infrit.
After all that talk it is time for some action! Venture back to the 1st floor of the library and enter the door on the right. From now on you'll be hit by random encounters, so be sharp. Walk straight up to make the bookcase that is blocking your path move out of the way. Next, step into that dark hole to the left to make the case slide back to its original position. Now head right and go down where the next dark hole is. Slide the case again to reach the ladder. Walk up ontop of the cases to the right and up to make the case slide yet again. Walk along the cases to the far right wall (still ontop of the cases) which causes the case to move once again. Use the second ladder and head up to examine that black smudge on the floor. This reveals the next passage!
Go inside and you'll be in the dark, literally! Head down, and to the right to get an Ether. Head back to the left and go down into the hole at the bottom. Now, you're in another rather large room. Go down the ladder and head to the left while ignoring the door. Next, go up the ladder and inspect the books at the top; this will open up another hole for you. Walk along the top of the case to get a small room with a red book on the floor. WARNING: The book contains the powerful Infrit! Inspect it to start the battle...

BOSS 9: Infrit | Level | 16-17 |
Infrit is a piece of cake if you have Shiva, seeing as Infrit doesn't like the cold that much it would be wise to use ice magicks against him. Create a team of two Black Mages, a Summoner, and a White Mage and Infrit won't have a chance.
Infrit only uses strong fire based spells. His Fire2 can hurt a little, but with a Cure2 to cover your back you won't have a problem. You might get a FireSkill for your efforts, and you'll acquire the summoned monster "Infrit!!" (fanfare...of course!). |
Head back out of the room (you might want to change your party back the way you like it). Go to that door you ignored earlier and head into it. Head up and a shelf that speaks will try to stop you, but since you have Infrit with you it will let you pass. Go to the far left and down the ladder to pick up a Ninja Suit. Head back and go into the hole/door to the right side of the room. Go down the ladder in this new room and head left (ignore the hole on the right). Keep going down to reach a Phoenix Down. Head up and right and enter the hole/door. Go into the next hole/door/thing. Walk up from here and the case will move. Head to the right, go up the ladder and inspect the book to make the case move back. Go down and right and use the small ladder to inspect some more books to make a monster appear (32, 64).
After wiping the floor with it, go in the hole it made (ignore the lower door). Now you should be a small room with a save point. Use a Tent if you need to to replenish the MP used in the Infrit battle and save! Now, go down the ladder. From here, head left and into the door. You'll see a blonde haired person standing at the far end of this room. When you try to approach him, you will be attacked.
BOSS 10: Biblos | Level | 16-17 |
Biblos can be a little bit frustrating if you let him. He has a Blue Magic that will halve your current MP (MagHammr), a Thread attack that will slow you down, and a powerful Earth Magic: Wind Slash.
![]() Make a party of a Ninja, a Summoner, a White Mage, and a stong attacker, like a Knight. Have all of them equip the 'learning' ability since MagHammr only hits one character at a time, so you don't want to have to sit around and wait for it while Biblos casts Wind Slash at you repeatedly. This isn't really a hard fight, so you can have a little freedom in your party selection, but do have a healer and a Summoner in the ranks somewhere. If you are having a terrific amount of trouble with this battle, you can cast your Doom Claw spell at him for an easy win. You get a Hard Body for your efforts, so maybe you should go and take a shower aand relax for a little bit before proceeding. |
When Biblos perishes he says that he may be defeated, but his Master's seal will be blown wide open... Go up and talk to Mid, who apparently didn't hear any of the commotion of the battle that went on behind him because he was so absorbed in his reading. After introductions, he shows the group a secret passage that leads to the second floor of the library. He finally thanks the team for their efforts to rescue him, and then he shows off the book he found in the dank library. He says that we should be able to repower the Fire Ship, but that we'll need to get Cid, his grandfather. The group tells Mid of his grandfather's current stupor. Upon hearing this, Mid storms out of the library in a huff! The scholars hint at Mid's destination.