FFV - Walkthrough - The Thunder God And Memories Awakened
Enemies | Treasure | Blue Magic |
Love Song |
The party jumps onto the black chocobo's back (I'll call him Boko part Deux, or Boko2 for short from now on). Boko2 does a little dance, and then takes to the sky! Boko2 can travel anywhere in the world, but he must land and take off only in forests, and he can't fly over the snowy peaks of the mountains. Take a breather to listen to a rendition of the Chocobo theme (entitled: "Chocobo de Crescent"). After dancing around in front of the TV for a little bit, fly Boko2 airlines to Easterly Village. If you're hopelessly lost, then view the world map.
Easterly Village | |
Relic's Shop | Fire Ring (50000), Coral Ring (50000), Angel Ring (50000) |
Magic Shop | Demi (620), Stop (580), Haste (320), Mute (320), Slow (80), Regen (100) |
Item Shop | Tonic (40), Antidote (30), Eye Drop (20), Maiden's Kiss (60), Cornucopia (50), Soft (150), Phoenix Down (1000), Tent (250) |
Welcome to the lovely and peaceful Easterly Village! There aren't any plot twisting events occuring here, but you should check it out nonetheless. Gab away with the locals to learn that this village has become isolated from the rest of the world by the last earthquake, and that the Easterly Falls are east of here -- there seems to be something hidden behind the falls. Other things you can do are to check out the outrageous prices on the three relics in the relic shop and get the rundown on the expensive jewelry from the old man hanging out there. Don't fret too much, because you'll be buying these later on - especially the Fire Rings.
Go to the patch of flowers in the north-west part of town and talk to the guy walking around up there. He'll tell you about a frog that's still snoozing the days away. Inspect the the patch of flowers in the lower right corner of the flower "square," and a frog will pop out. Check out the hole he left there to get the Toad Black Magic. Next, go to the east part of the town and talk to the sheep in the upper left hand corner of the pen (you have to talk to him from behind). The sheep doesn't like being approached from behind at all (makes you wonder what the shepherd has been doing to those poor animals :o). The sheep will kick you over the fence so that you can chat with the Minstrel over there. Answer 'yes' to his question and he'll reward you with the Love Song. This song soothes the savage beasts.

The last thing in this out of the way place that is worth checking out is the hint you get from an old lady wandering around the centre of town. She says that there is a monster dressed like an old man attacking people with thunder based spells in the woods to the east of here. Don the super slueth hat once again and head outside to investigate. Save your game and cross the bridge to the east and wander around in those woods to initiate a battle with the timeless Ramuh.
BOSS 11: Ramuh | Level | 19-20 |
The only thing Ramuh seems to be weak against are Summon Monsters - particularly Infrit. He is a little tricky in the elemental area because he will take considerable damage form the WaterSkills thrown by your Ninja, but will absorb damage dealt by the Knight's Coral Sword. This is the recommended setup: Monk, Ninja (WaterSkills), Summoner (Infrit), and a White Mage (or some kind of healer).
Ramuh will attack with Bolt2. He will target both individuals and the group. Counter this with the Cure2 spell and the Healing Staff. You might want to consider bringing along another character with curative abilities if your levels are less than the recommended 20. Ramuh can also use the Shock spell which seems to be just a stronger version of Bolt spells. Once you've dished out enough damage (around 4000 HP) Ramuh will recognise Infrit and join the team. You will get an item called 'Ramuh' that must be used in the menu before you can summon him. |
Rikks Village
Enemies | Treasure | Blue Magic |
Temptation Song |
After Easterly Village has been investigated, you might want to consider checking out another optional town. This town is located on the eastern continent, and is to the north of Tule Village. Like Easterly, you don't have to come here, but why would you want to skip it?
Rikks Village | |
Weapon Shop | Ninja Knife (600), Shuriken (2500), Fire Skill (200), Water Skill (200), Lgtning Skill (200) |
Armor Shop | Green Beret (2500), Ninja Suit (3000) |
Magic Shop | Esna (3000) |
Item Shop | Ether (750), Tonic (20), Antidote (15), Eye Drop (10), Maiden's Kiss (30), Cornucopia (25), Soft (75), Tent (125) |
When you enter this town you'll quickly notice that this is Bartz's Hometown. There are lots of things to check out here, so let's get started. Before you do anything, however, take a moment to appreciate the nice music. Since this is Bartz's home, you can stay at the Inn for free (a nice thing to keep in mind for later). Go ahead and rest your weary head.
During the night we get another of Square's famous night time plot scenes. Bartz gets up and wanders over to a grave. Faris, the ever-concercerned, gets up to check on him. Bartz tells her that this grave is for his late mother, Stella. Stella died when he was young, and after her death his father, Drogan, took him on a long trip. Then, three years ago, after a long illness, Drogan passed on too. Faris becomes upset at the mention of Bartz's tenderness for his father. She tries to push away her similar feelings for her father, who we know is King Tycoon by now. This scene ends and the team wakes up like normal, but the bonds of friendship have grown stonger between Faris and Bartz.

You can trigger another sequence by talking to the man in the centre of the town. He is a childhood friend of Bartz. In this flashback we see a little Bartz who is playing hide and seek. He hides on top of a roof and waits there all day and into the night. Growing weary, little Bartz tries to get back down, but slips and almost falls off of the two story building. This explains Bartz's fear of heights, which we hadn't really known about yet.
After this flashback, go to Bartz's house (the house on the west side of town) and check out the small, pink box at the back of the room. The box turns out to be a music box and the soothing melody brings about yet another memory of Bartz's. We see little Bartz again and Stella tucking him into bed. While Bartz feigns sleep, Drogan and Stella discuss some adult matters. One of which, is Drogan's concern that Stella is pushing herself too hard - she's having siezures because of it. Stella talks her way out of the subject and strolls off to take care of something. Drogan comes over to Bartz's side and tells him that he is planning to leave. Not soon after this Drogan will discover that Stella has collapsed and that she is dead. These painful memerories conclude with the dying of the box's melody, leaving a shaken Bartz in his own house. Don't forget to talk to the bard after listening to the music box to get the Temptation Song.
Other things to notice here are the shops. The Weapon Shop offers the three skills for the Ninja, buy at least 20 of the Lgtning Skills if you can, and about ten each of the other two. These skills do tremendous amounts of damage, and are really cheap when you consider their power. Also, you'll notice that Bartz gets a discount at the Item Shop, so spend as much as you can getting Ethers and other things. Too bad he doesn't sell Phoenix Downs.