FFX - Script - Final Battle & Ending
[They arrive in the weird Zanarkand-like area where Tidus went to after being sucked into Sin at the start of the game. Above them is a sky filled with stars. Tidus stares ahead; Jecht (though we don't see his face) crosses his arms. The group approaches him. Auron steps forward. Tidus stares. Jecht's back is turned to them]
"You're late, Auron."
"I know."
[Jecht turns around]
"Hah! You got tall, but you're all bones!"
"You eating right, boy?"
[Tidus is silent. Rikku looks at him]
"You've really grown."
"Yeah, but you're still bigger."
"Well, I am Sin, you know."
"That's not funny."
[Jecht laughs]
"Well, then... I mean...you know."
"Let's end this."
[Tidus holds back the tears]
"I hate you."
"I know, I know."
"You know what you have to do."

"I can't hear the Hymn so well anymore."
"Pretty soon, I'm gonna be Sin. Completely."
"I'm glad you're here now."
"One thing, though..."
"When it starts, I won't be myself anymore."
"I won't be able to hold myself back."
"I'm sorry."
[Still holding back the tears]
"That's enough."
"Let's finish this, okay?"
"You're right."
[He turns around, walking to the edge of the platform, and then turns back to face Tidus]
"Well, then... Let's go!"
[He lifts his hands in the air, forming an energy beam. A sphere of energy forms in his chest. Tidus runs towards him. Jecht walks backwards and falls over the edge. Tidus screams, but can't grab him in time. Jecht falls to the swirling yellowish energy below. The ground rumbles. Pyreflies fly through Zanarakand; all the buildings light up. Tidus looks forward. Suddenly, a huge flaming fist slams down on Tidus. It's Jecht, transformed into Braska's Final Aeon!]
"I promise this will be quick!"
"Hit me with all you got, dad!"
[During the battle, Tidus can talk to him several times to decrease his Overdrive bar]
"I won't lose!"
"You won't beat me this time!"
[After talking to him twice, though...]
"Words don't seem to reach him..."
[You keep hacking into Braska's Final Aeon and the Yu Pagodas. Eventually, he gets defeated. His sword slams into the platform. He falls down; something flies into the air above him. His body explodes in a massive amount of light and energy. Jecht is now standing there. Tidus runs to him. They hug. Jecht lies down]
"You'll cry. You're gonna cry. You always cry, see? You're crying."
[FMV: Tidus cries]
"I hate you, Dad."
[Tidus stands up]
"Save it for later."
"Right... We've got a job to do, don't we?"
"Good. That's right. You are my son, after all."
"You know...for the first time, I'm glad..."
"to have you as my father."
"Sir Jecht..."
"I should..."
"No, Yuna, there's no time!"
[In the air above, the thing which flew away from Braska's Final Aeon's body continues to circle in the air above the group. It's a large black blob of energy. Tidus looks up at it]
"You stay away!"
"Yuna, you know what to do..."
"The aeons!"
[The fayth suddenly appears]
"We aeons..."
"Call them!"
"Call us!"
[Jecht falls, and evaporates in a group of pyreflies. The black blob continues to fly in the air above the group]
"Here it comes!"

[Yuna nods. The black blob - which is actually Yu Yevon - flies around in the distance. Final Boss, part 2 of 3! Yuna summons an aeon; Yu Yevon descends and possesses it, and you have to kill it. Once it's killed, Yu Yevon ascends from the aeon and goes back to fly around in the sky. Continue the process until all of your aeons have been summoned, possessed, and killed. The group has infinite Auto-Life, so it's just a matter of time. After all the aeons are defeated, Yu Yevon descends in front of them, turning into a spider-like bug. The Yevon symbol is on his body. The group stares at him]

"This is the last time we fight together, okay?"
[Tidus steps foward to face Yuna]
"What I'm trying to say is..."
"after we beat Yu Yevon, I'll disappear!"
"What are you talking about?"
[Tidus looks at Yuna. She pouts. He walks past her to Yu Yevon, takes out his sword, and assumes a battle stance]
"I'm saying goodbye!"
"Not now!"
"I know it's selfish..."
"but this is my story!"
[FINAL BATTLE! Once Yu Yevon is defeated, the bug thing rises into the air, surrounded by rings of energy, and dies in dramatic final boss fashion. The Yu Pagodas get destroyed too. The screen goes white, and fades back in on Besaid; it's nighttime there, and the fire in the middle of the village is burning brightly. Many people are gathered around it, including the Aurochs, who are staring up into the sky. Everyone looks up, claps and cheers. We see that Gatta is also there, looking up, as well as the three Chocobo Knights! The camera focuses on Gatta. He does a Crusader salute upwards, as do some Crusaders behind him, and the Chocobo Knights. The camera moves to the entrance of the temple, where Maechen is standing; past a priest, who does the prayer gesture; and into the temple itself. Inside the Chamber of the Fayth, the stone statue of the Fayth begins to drain and fade away, just leaving an object of stone. The same happens to the Fayth statue in Macalania, then Kilika. In Bevelle, the floating Fayth vanishes]
[Back to the imaginary Zanarkand screen; everyone is standing there, as Yuna dances and performs the sending. She turns around, and is shocked; some pyreflies are exiting Auron's body]
"Don't stop."
"But I..."
"It's all right."
[The camera angle shifts itself so we see things from Auron's eyes. He looks at Wakka, then steps foward, and looks at Kimahri. He gives him a friendly hit on the chest. He looks at Lulu, then Rikku, and finally, Tidus. The camera angle changes, and we see Auron walk up to Tidus]
"It's been long enough."
[He walks forward to Yuna, as pyreflies continue to rise from his body. We see he's standing at the edge of the platform, as everyone, including Yuna, looks at him. He holds his sword, and looks back at them]
"This is your world now."

[Auron vanishes in a sea of pyreflies, which rise into the air and dissapear. The screen goes black]

"Yuna, I have to go."
"I'm sorry I couldn't show you Zanarkand."
"We're gonna see you again...?"

[Yuna runs to Tidus and passes through him. Everyone gasps. He looks at his hands; pyreflies fly up from his body. Yuna, lying down, watches a pyrefly fly up in front of her face. They go into the air. Yuna stands up; their backs are facing each other]
"I love you."

[Tidus turns and faces her back, a sad look on his face. Yuna faces forward solemnly. He walks up to her from behind and wraps his partially-fading arms around her. He fades through her body, walking forward. We see a final shot of the group; Kimahri and Lulu are showing little to no emotion, though Lulu does do a small wave. Yuna's still staring forward. Rikku is jumping and waving. Wakka looks sad and dejected, almost like he said/did something wrong. Tidus, burying his anguish, turns around and sprints to the edge of the airship, and jumps off. He floats down through the clouds, and vanishes...we see Braska, Auron, and Jecht. Jecht sticks out his hand; Tidus slaps it]
[Scene change; on a dock in Luca (presumably) looking out to sea. Yuna whistles. She breathes, and whistles again. Lulu walks up the dock]
"Yuna, it's time."

[Yuna turns around and walks to Luca Stadium, which is behind her. We see an overview of the stadium, with no blitzball waterball. However, the stands are packed and everyone's cheering. Yuna is standing on a balcony looking at the people]
"Everyone...everyone has lost something precious."
"Everyone here has lost homes, dreams, and friends."
"Now, Sin is finally dead."
[They clap. We see a shot of Yuna: standing behind her, to her right and left are Rikku and Wakka, respectively]
"Now, Spira is ours again."
"Working together..."
[Lulu is shown, then Wakka, Kimahri, and Rikku]
"Now we can make new homes for ourselves, and new dreams."
"Although I know the journey will be hard, we have lots of time."
"Together, we will rebuild Spira."
"The road is ahead of us, so let's start out today."
[She turns around. Wakka nods, and the rest of the group seems happy. She turns back to the crowd, who are cheering wildly]
"Just, one more thing..."
"The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded..."
[We see quick shots of FMV's from the game. In order, they are: Kimahri growling, Rikku on the airship deck looking around, Lulu, Auron, and Wakka looking around at Zanarkand in Guadosalam, Seymour kissing Yuna, and the scene with Tidus and Yuna at the lake, culminating in an overview of that area of Macalania Woods. Yuna is then shown, as a small pyrefly flies by her face. The screen goes black; the pyrefly continues to float and flies off-screen]
"Never forget them."
[The credits roll. In true Final Fantasy fashion, it's not over yet. Once the credits are done rolling...]
[The screen is black. A pyrefly, then another one, fly on screen, intersect, and float around randomly. A third one appears as well. An image forms in the blackness; upon a close-up, we see it's Tidus, crouching!]

[One of the pyreflies floats by him. He lifts his head and looks at it. He uncrouches and stretches; the blackness has now turned to dark blue, and we see he's underwater. He turns his head upwards and swims to the surface. The camera angle changes so we see Tidus, smiling and content, gleefully swimming up to the surface. Just before he reaches the screen (presumably, the surface), the screen starts to go white, and then goes completely white; the words "Final Fantasy X", along with the FFX Symbol, are shown on the white screen. The screen fades to black, and the words "The End" appear in white]