FFIX - Script - 4.4 - The Ending

[FMV: Above the Iifa Tree, Memoria reduces into a tiny yellow ball of energy, then explodes in a tremedous burst. The blast rockets past the Iifa Tree's roots, which come alive, flailing around like the limbs of a killer octopus. On the outskirts of the Iifa Tree, the teleportation beams land]

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah... but look what's happening."

"So what Kuja said was true... The Iifa Tree is beginning its violent reaction."

[The other character's teleport beside them]

"What's gonna happen?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't look good..."

[Screen changes to the Red Rose. Mikoto, Beatrix, and 2 Pluto Knights are standing on the deck]

"...I doubt anyone could've survived that explosion..."



"...They are still alive."

"What!? Where are they?"

"...Over there."
[She points]

"The Hilda Garde is probably closer..."
[She faces a knight]
"You. The tall one."

Haagen, Pluto Knight VIII
"Sir! Haagen, Pluto Knight VIII, ma'am!"

"I didn't ask for your name. Contact the Hilda Garde right away."

Haagen, Pluto Knight VIII
"Yes, sir, ma'am, sir!"

[Haagen runs off. The screen changes to the cockpit of the Hilda Garde 3; Regent Cid is there]

Regent Cid
"Please be alive..."

"Sire! We're receiving a transmission from the Red Rose!"

Regent Cid
"Punch it up on the main line!"

[Erin salutes and...well, punches it up on the main line. It basically is heard over an intercom of some sort]

"This is the Red Rose."

Regent Cid
"You're not General Beatrix. Who are you?"

"My name is Mikoto."
"Everyone is alive. You are very close to them."

Regent Cid
"What!!!? How do you know?"

"I can hear him..."

Regent Cid
[Cid turns to Erin]
"Prepare to land immediately!"

[FMV. The Hilda Garde 3 descends and lands near the 8 characters, who look upon it]

"That's the Hilda Garde 3..."
"Looks like Cid came to rescue us."
[Cid walks onto the deck]

Regent Cid
"Thank heavens, you're all safe!"
"Come quickly! We don't have much time!"

[Everyone runs or walks off screen except Zidane and Dagger. Dagger begins to walk away]

"...Farewell, Zidane..."

"Ah, dammit..."

"What's wrong?"

"...Why don't you go on ahead? I'll catch up with you all later."
"I have to take care of something..."


"...He's still alive."

"He can't be..."

[All the characters return on screen]

"Zidane! What are you doing!?"

"Steiner... Take care of Dagger."

"What!? Wh-What do you mean by that!?"

"...Kuja's still alive. I can't just leave him."

"This is ludicrous. Just because you two are from the same planet doesn't mean-"

"No, that's not the reason."

"Come on, Zidane!"
"Why are you doing this!?"

"Because I might've done the same thing if I were in his shoes."
"I probably would've fought against you guys and wreaked havoc in Gaia like he did..."
"I know it sounds crazy..."
"...but I know, deep down inside, I have to do this."

"You no crazy, Zidane."
"But you go help Kuja not good idea. Is too dangerous."

"...I can't just leave him. There's no way I could live with myself."
"I'm going."

"You're making a big mistake!"

"Maybe... But we all have to make big decisions in life sometimes."
"For me, now's that time."
"I have to face up to it, just like Vivi did when he confronted his fears to find out about himself."
"That was a big decision for Vivi."

"I don't know about that... I don't think it was really a big deal."

"That's what you think, but I might not be doing this if it weren't for you."
"You've definitely taught me to take life more seriously."

"Well, you're obviously not going to change your mind, so I'm coming with you."

"The principle of knighthood requires that one assist his comrade in times of need. I shall accompany you as well!"

"Whoa, wait a minute."
"Like I said, it's my moment, so don't butt in. You guys'll have your own someday."
"Besides, you guys have more important things to worry about, like Burmecia and Alexandria."

"For once in your life, why can't you be honest!?"

"Sorry, but I can't-"

"I can't just walk away. It goes against my nature."


"You're a real simpleton."
"Forget it, guys. There's no stopping this fool."

Regent Cid
"What are you still doing out here!? Get onboard right now!"

"Come on. Let's just leave him and get outta here."

[Amarant runs off screen]

"...That guy will never change."
"Alright, you heard the man! Get out of here before it's too late!"

"Zidane, I love you! You'd better come back!!!"
[Eiko runs off screen]

"Zidane, I need eat more different food."
"I still hungry!!! You need come back, take me more places, show me more food!"
[Quina runs off screen]

"I still can't believe you're doing this. You've changed, Zidane."
"Til we meet again."
[Freya runs off screen]

"Zidane, you've taught me another big lesson in life. Thanks..."
[Vivi runs off screen]


"Princess... We must go."


"Dagger - I mean, Your Highness."
"The abduction is over. I can't take you any further."
"...I'm sorry for being so selfish."

[Dagger approahces Zidane; Steiner steps away from them, his back facing them, letting the two of them have a private chat]

"No... You're not being selfish."
"...You've done so much for us."
"If it weren't for you, I probably would've led a meaningless life."
"With you, I was able to see so much of the world and meet so many people."
"We faced many hardships, too... but...I think I finally know what's important."
"I'm so fortunate to have met you. I'll never forget our trip together."
"Thank you, Zidane."
"Promise me one thing... Please come back."

[Screen fades to black]

[FMV: the Hilda Garde 3 flies away. Dagger and Zidane look at each other one last time, as the airship soars off into the sky. Zidane turns around and walks a few steps]

[Screen resumes where Zidane and Dagger first arrived after being teleported out]

"Kuja! Can you hear me!? I'm coming to get you!"

"You still have time... Forget about me and go."

"Just shut up, and stay where you are!"

"...I don't understand you."

"Okay, here goes nothing."

[FMV. The Iifa Tree's roots are flying around frantically. Zidane sprints to the tree, avoiding them as they try to hit him. Another set of green roots fly towards him, cooliding with the other ones. He hitches a ride on a root, standing tall and proud on it as it flies towards the tree. It smahes into a wall of rock, which Zidane jumps onto and runs. He jumps into a hole of the Tree, falling towards; A Matrix-style slowdown effect is shown, as Zidane is frozen in time beside Kuja, lying down, dying; Zidane plummets to the ground, hitting it with a thud]

[He stands up]
"Phew... Still alive..."
"I guess that was pretty crazy."

[Zidane runs up a root and arrives at Kuja's deathbed]

"Hey! Are you alright?"

"What are you doing here? I thought I told you to go..."

"Wouldn't you do the same for me if you knew I was dying?"


"......Never mind."

"Your comrades were able to escape?"

"Yeah... I knew you had something to do with it."

"...I'm glad they made it."

"Yeah, well...it's our turn to get movin'."

"...I don't deserve to live after all that I've done."
"I'm useless to this world."

"No one's useless..."
"You helped us escape, remember?"

"After you guys beat me, I had nothing left...nothing more to lose."
"Then, I finally realized what it means to live..."
"I guess I was too late."

[Kuja's head tilts to one side; he remains motionless]

"Hey! Don't you go dying on me, alright!?"
[A loud sound is heard]

[FMV. A series of roots penetrate the wall, and tumble town to Kuja and Zidane's locations. Dozens upon dozens of roots smash into them]

[Screen fades to black. It reumes far from the Iifa Tree; all is still and silent, except for the sound of wind in the background. The screen is still very dark. Mikoto can be seen walking around, though]

"Kuja... What you did was wrong..."
"But you gave us all one thing... Hope..."
"We were all created for the wrong reason, but you alone defied our fate."
"We do not want to forget this. We want your memory to live on forever..."
"...to remind us that we were not created for the wrong reason - that our life has meaning."

[Screen fades to black once more]

"Some time later..."

[Fades back in on a part of Alexandria. It's rebuilt; Vivi is walking with a stack of tickets in hand]

"So, this is Alexandria..."

[Puck runs on screen, bumping into him and knocking him over. Vivi drops all the tickets he was carrying]

"Pick up the pace, will ya!?"
"I don't believe it! Vivi!"

"How do you know that name!?"

"What are you talking about?"
"It's me, Puck! How could you forget me!?"


"You know, Puck!"

"Th-The Prince of Burmecia!?"

"Oh, come on! What's wrong with you?"
"If you're not Vivi, then who are you!?"

"Vivi's son!"

[Six more Vivi's walk on screen, following the first one]

"Look at all the Vivis!"

[Screen fades to black]

"I always talked about you, Zidane. How you were a very special person to us, because you taught us all how important life is."

[Screen fades in on a section of Burmecia. Sir Fratley and Freya jump down, landing in front of each other]

Sir Fratley
"Freya, you're leaving soon, are you not?"

"Yes. I can hardly wait to see everyone."

Sir Fratley
"Alexandria... I went there many years ago."

[They both sit down beside each other]

Sir Fratley
"How long will it take to rebuild Burmecia...?"

"I don't care, as long as I am with you."

Sir Fratley
"...I love you, Freya."

[Fratley puts an arm around Freya. She rests her head on his shoulder]

(...Yet he still doesn't remember our past.)
"I just want to cherish our time right now."

[Screen fades to black]

"You taught me that life doesn't last forever. That's why we have to help each other and live life to the fullest."

[Screen fades in on Dagger's bedroom; Beatrix walks in]

"It's time to say goodbye to this room..."
[She lifts her sword into the air]
"Save the Queen, you have served me well..."
[She places the sword on the table]
"My duty is finished here."
"Farewell, Alexandria..."

[She walks out of the room; screen fades to black]

"Even if you say goodbye, you'll always be in our hearts. So, I know we're not alone anymore."

[Screen fades in on a small wooden bridge near the Treno exit of South Gate; Amarant is walking on it. He gives a small hand motion to the screen]


[Lani runs on screen]

"Why are you going to Alexandria?"

"You're not going?"

"I-I never said that!"
[Amarant walks off screen]
"H-Hey, wait!"

[She follows him; Screen fades to black]

"Why I was born... How I wanted to live... Thanks for giving me time to think."

[Screen fades back in on Alexandria kitchen; Quina is sniffing the food]

"Good food not only delicious!"
"Good food made with heart!"
"This very important when cooking for friends!"

[Screen fades to black]

"To keep doing what you set your heart on... It's a very hard thing to do. We were all so courageous..."

[Screen fades back in on the elevator in Lindblum Castle; Regent Cid, Hilda, and Eiko are descending]

"Hurry! Hurry!"
"We gotta get there before the play begins!"

Regent Cid
"Ha ha... There's no need to hurry."
"The theater ship is no match for my new ship."
"My new Hilda Garde is the fastest ship ever!"

"Do I have to remind you?"
"You said the same thing about the theater ship!"
"That's what you said, Father!"

Regent Cid
"Eiko... What did you just call me?"

[The elevator stops. Eiko runs out]

"Darling, she called you 'Father'..."

[Eiko runs back on screen]

"Father! Mother! Hurry!"
[She runs off screen again]

Regent Cid
"S-Say it again, Eiko!"

[Screen fades to black]

"What to do when I felt lonely... That was the only thing you couldn't teach me. But we need to figure out the answer for ourselves..."

[Screen fades in on the exit of Alexandria Castle. Beatrix walks out; Steiner, standing on the side, sees her]

"Where are you going?"

"Please don't ask. My mind is already set."

"Wait! Listen to me!"
"I, uh..."
"I-I never wish to lose you again!!!"


"Let us protect the queen together!"

[She runs to him; screen fades to black]

"I'm so happy I met everyone... I wish we could've gone on more adventures. But I guess we all have to say goodbye someday."

[Screen fades back in in the conference room of the Theater Ship; Baku, Marcus, Cinna, Blank and Ruby run in and take their positions]

"Alright, you scumbags! We're almost there!"
"Been a long time since we saw Alexandria."
"Let's give 'em a show they won't forget!"


"Break a leg, people!"

[Screen fades to black]

"Everyone... Thank you. Farewell."
"My memories will be part of the sky..."

[Screen resumes at Alexandria Castle; Dagger is sitting in her throne, garbed in a white dress, sitting in the same place Queen Brahne sat in when the Prima Vista first arrived at the beginning of the game; Dagger is awaiting the start of the play. Steiner and Beatrix walk on screen; Steiner goes on the left side of the doorway, Beatrix, the right]

"The theater ship will arrive any minute."
"It's been so long..."
"I can't wait to see everyone."
"It'll never be the same..."
"I have to let go of the past..."
"I have to move on, just like he taught me."

[Screen fades to black, as clapping is heard. Screen resumes on the stage of the theater ship, identical to the stage of the first Theater Ship. Baku is once again garbed in his King Leo uniform; he walks on stage and bows to the clapping]

"Ladies and Gentlemen!"
"Tonight's performance is a story that takes place long, long ago."
"Our heroine, Princess Cornelia, is torn from her lover, Marcus."
"She attempts to flee the castle, only to be captured by her father, King Leo."
"Tonight's story begins when Marcus and Cornelia decide to run away together."
"And now, Your Royal Majesty, Queen Garnet, Lord Steiner, Lady Beatrix..."
"...noble ladies and lords, and our rooftop viewers, Tantalus proudly presents 'I Want to Be Your Canary'!"

[Screen changes to a section of the stage. Princess Cornelia (Ruby) is running]


[A man garbed in a black cloack, complete with black hood, walks on stage. Cornelia approaches him]

"Sweet Marcus, I fear I love thee more than I should!"

"Princess... Wilt thou be happy, married to a lowly peasant such as I?"

"Prithee, call me 'princess' no more!"
"Marcus, wilt thou truly cherish me, the king's only daughter?"
"Or is such a desire too dear to wish for!?"
"After our nuptials, shall I become no more than a puppet?"
"A mindless puppet, never to laugh, never to cry?"
"I wish to live my life under the sky. At times I shall laugh, at other times cry."
"For no life is more insincere than that lived as a masquerade."

"So much consideration thou hast given it! But worry not!"
[They embrace]
"Cast away thy trappings of royalty, and I shall swaddle thou in a gown of pure love!"
"Never again will I part from thee!"
"Pray, my love, make me thy canary to keep forever in the cage of thy bosom!"
"Let us embark on the first ship tomorrow, before dawn can tell of our elopement!"

"All my fortunes at thy foot, I lay, and I shall follow thee throughout the world!"

"No cloud, no squall shall hinder us!"

[Marcus turns around and walks off screen]

"O, love is the sweetest joy and the wildest woe."
"All I wish is to be by my sweet Marcus's side."

[Screen shows Blank on the side of the stage, eavesdropping]

"Fie! It shall be war again unless this marriage is stopped."
"Ne'er will I let their plan come to fruition."
[He walks on stage]
"Good day to ye, Highness."

"Good day..."

"Wist thee of Marcus?"

"Marcus!? What news dost thou bring?"

[He punches her in the stomach]


[She falls into his arms; screen fades to black]

[NOTE: If you completed the Stellazio quest and have the item "Hammer" in your inventory, you will see this scene. It's the bonus scene of the ending; otherwise, skip it and move on to the next part]

[Fades back in on the stage; it's nighttime, and King Leo walks on]

King Leo
"Where is she!? Where has mine only daughter gone!?"
[Black walks on stage]
"Blank, good man! Hast thou seen Cornelia?"

"Worry not, Majesty."
"I shall make sure Cornelia marries Prince Schneider. Be thou at ease."

King Leo
"At ease, sayest thou? How can I rest, not know she is safe?"
"Could it be... thou hast betrayed me?"

"By my troth, sir, I betrayed none other than poor Marcus!"

King Leo
"Thou had the gall to betray thy dearest friend."
"Wouldst thou not betray me as swiftly?"

"Stay thy hand, I merely..."

[King Leo pulls out his sword and slices down, hitting Blank. Blank falls down. King Leo turns around and walks away]

"I merely sought a lasting peace between the two kingdoms!"

[Benero and Zenero run on screen]

"The traitor is dead!"

"O, cruel fate!"

King Leo
"You two... Quickly, find Cornelia and bring her before me!"

Benero & Zenero
"Yes, Your Majesty."

[They run off screen]

King Leo
"Wretched daughter! How dare she disobey her father's wishes!"

[He walks off screen. Screen fades to black]

[Screen fades back in on Marcus, standing alone. It's dawn]

"The time for our departure is long past."
"Where is Cornelia?"

[Cinna walks on screen]

"Marcus, the ship soon embarks!"
"Board ye the boat alone, and peace could come to both kingdoms, as Blank so said."
"Speak, Marcus!"
"She told me that she could not live without me."
[A section of the sky lights up; several pictures of birds flying appear]
"So, the sun is our enemy, too. The eastern sky grows bright."
"Will we not spread our wings, as yonder birds in joyous flight?"

"Hark, Marcus! They cannot wait any longer!"
"The ship departs!"

[Cinna runs off screen]

"Could she have betrayed me?"
"Nay, ne'er would my love speak false."
"I must have faith!"
"She shall appear if I only believe!"
"As the sun lends me no ear, I pray instead to the twin moons!"
"I beseech thee, wondrous moonlight, grant me my only wish!"

[Marcus throws off his robe and spins around, facing Dagger at her seat, to reveal that it's.....ZIDANE!]

"Bring my beloved Dagger to me!"

[FMV. Dagger looks on in shock. She jumps out of her seat and runs toward the door. Steiner and Beatrix's arms block her path; their arms then open the door for her, giving her the go- ahead. She runs down the stairs and along a path, making her way through the crowds of people. She drops her Royal Pendant, looks at it, and decides it's not worth going back for; continuing to make her way through the crowds to Zidane. She jumps on stage and buries her face in his chest. He smiles and strokes her hair. The crowds all cheer. We see the characters all happy and clapping, along with the Vivis. Steiner and Beatrix lift a sword into the air, which shines a bright light. The rebuilt crystal of the rebuilt Alexandria Castle is shown, and a final moment of Dagger and Zidane embracing is seen, with the crowd cheering in the background. The screen fades to black]

"How did you survive...?

"I didn't have a choice"
"I had to live"
"I wanted to come home to you."


"I sang your song."

[The Ending FMV begins; we see a shot of Alexandria Castle & all of Alexandria from above, a bird's eye view]

[The credits begin to roll. While they roll, past FMV's from the game are shown in the background]

-Garnet in room from the intro FMV, waking up, looking out her window
-Birds flying overhead as the Theater Ship arrives; Zidane jumping down inside it
-Vivi in Alexandria. He looks up, and sees the massive Theater Ship pass overhead
-Dagger and Zidane hanging onto the cord during the play, Steiner hanging onto a different one, smashing into the wall
-The Theater Ship escaping, being attacked by the later metal spears, as Brahne signals for cannon to fire
-Bugs running in Evil Forest, as the petrification reaches them; Blank throws the map to Zidane
-Onboard the airship from Dali, Black Waltz No. 3 fires his lightning bolts, destroying numerous black mages, as electricity flies everywhere. Vivi looks on, horrified; Dagger comforts him
-On top of Lindblum Castle near the telescope, Zidane sees Dagger, as birds fly in the sky
-Atomos attacking Lindblum in Disc 2, while Zidane comforts a breaking-down Dagger
-Dagger looking up at Eidolon Wall, recalling destruction of Madain Sari
-Dagger at end of Disc 2, looking at castle, then turns sharply to screen; Final FMV of Disc 2, in other words
-Bahamut attacking Alexandria in Disc 3; Dagger looks on in horror, as Bahamut spreads his wings
-Eiko and Dagger atop Alexandria Castle, as Alexander is summoned
-The Invincible does its blast above Alexandria, destroying the town
-Dagger after cutting her hair; she looks at Zidane, he nods, she smiles
-The group jumping into Shimmering Island, beams of energy flowing past them
-The Invincible rising up in Bran Bal, Dagger recalling the events from Madain Sari, as the FMV focuses on the big red circle underneath the ship
-The multiple airships rising above the mist near the Iifa Tree, cannons firing at the Silver Dragons
-The Invincible soars through air to Memoria, as the Red Rose jumps out to block a flurry of dragons chasing The Invincible
-The Invincible reaches the sphere of energy; bright white light fills the air
-Dagger and Zidane hugging in the ending FMV; the crowd cheers along with the Vivi's & characters, Beatrix and Steiner lift a sword into the air

[The FMV then stops, and we see the image of two planets, blue and red, joining, resulting in a large fiery explosion and turning into one]

[As the final credits roll, bright light in the background turns into the crystal, the symbol of FF9]

[FINAL FANTASY IX is shown, with the crystal symbol in between "Final" and "Fantasy", just like on the cd case]

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