FFIX - Artwork - Design Sketches, Pg 1

Before anything can be done on computer, every element of a Final Fantasy game has to put down on paper by hundreds of talented artists, and here's just a handful for you to look at!

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Eiko Carol computer render and sketches. Notice the little horn just above her forehead. The two jesters are Zorn and Thorn, while the kangaroo-like warrior is supposedly Freya's boyfriend. Notice the very fantasy outlook in comparison to Final Fantasy VIII's standard townfolk.
Design sketches for the upper class citizens of Final Fantasy IX, borrowing very much from the styles of the English Georgian period. Early design ideas for a black mage (there are many black mages in Final Fantasy IX that serve the Queen of Alexandria, not just Vivi).
Square obviously have done their homework on 19th Century dressing styles in England. Here's six Moogles in different outfits: which one do you prefer - surely not the Convict in the bottom left corner? ^_^

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