FFVIII - Walkthrough - 1.15 Lost in the Sewers

Items Weapon Mon May
Magic Esuna - draw point at the Sewers.
Zombie - draw point at the Sewers
Bio - draw point at the Sewers
Save Points Caraway's Mansion - the path before the sewers
Monsters Deling City Sewers
Creeps: Thunder*, Life
Red Bat: Thunder*, Scan, [Drain]
Buel: Fire*, Thunder*, Blizzard*, Death

screenshot This section is tough. I have lost my way quite a few times. Writing a precise guide will make you more confused. So I will try to give out some hints:

  1. Monsters in this section are rather tough and mean. When you encounter a huge spider-like creature, run away from it as it will take ages to defeat it.
  2. Note that you can walk across gears, by examining them, pressing the Circle button.
  3. There are only three Draw Points found here.
  4. You can open some of the doors in this section.
  5. If you cannot proceed further, then you are on the wrong track.
  6. The gears are turning in a certain direction either clockwise nor anticlockwise. If you want to cross the gear from left to right, find a gear moving clockwise.
  7. There is a Weapon Upgrading Guide found here.

At the beginning of the path, you find that you can only walk along the path on the left. Actually the destination is on the RIGHT side. If you are trapped, there is no harm in examining any of those gears which might lead you to the other area. At the end of the sewers, you will find a Save Point. Climb up that ladder and you will reach an area with a door. Press Circle at the ladder, pick the first option and you will reach the area where you will find a small window. Zell will look through:

** FMV **
Zell will view a bird's eye view from this section. The numbers have hit 20:00:00. Edea will be looking at it and the vehicle is passing through the parade...

Now push the switch [looks like a telephone] and you will have another FMV.

** FMV **
The fancy round-about which the Colonel has shown you rises up. Squall is there with Rinoa and Irvine. Suddenly the gate is closed by Quistis, locking up both Seifer and Edea...

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